1·It is then combined with the GCS approach to develop a compact model for these effects.
2·The compact model was constructed in order to remove the interior details, and simplify the cage design.
3·Some five or six countries have shown interest in the Searchmaster concept, which could be delivered in two years for the compact model and five years for the larger version.
4·Fortunately, the code for each event model is quite compact.
5·A compact version will be sold for UAVs and helicopters, and a larger model for medium-altitude, long-endurance drones, ground surveillance and maritime patrol aircraft, Chaltiel said.
6·This freedom means the Ruby API can be more compact because Ruby doesn't need to define every usage model in code.
这种自由的形式意味着Ruby API的代码会更加紧凑,因为Ruby不需要在代码中定义每个使用模型。
7·The compact Volkswagen Beetle has always been a fuel-efficient car, but what about applying that conservationist model to a house?
8·Bright Light Founder Hayden Hamilton also plans to introduce an entry-level model that costs about the same as a compact car.
Bright Light公司的创始人Hayden Hamilton同时计划引进一款入门级的款式,价格将相当于一辆小型汽车。
9·Experimental results show that the model of credit scoring built by the algorithm is compact, comprehensible and accurate.
10·The compact theorem is proved, which states that theory T has model if and only if any finite subset of T has model.